Kiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd
Kiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd
12-16 Minaminomaru-machi Kochi-shi, Kochi JAPAN
TEL 088-832-2155
FAX 088-832-2157
Get ready for the risk, safe and good for the environment. Suggesting the way of living in the future.
President: Masao Ataka
Establishment: March 1970
Capital: 20million
Outline of Business: Total construction work
pluming, machinery and facility installation work, water facilities construction, land scaping steel works, civil engeneering works, electric construction, solar power generator installation works.
more than 40 years of experience and good work gives us great trust
We, Kiwa-Kogyou, had worked on plumbing including works on sewer and plumbing equipment, and new construction and reform of the building. From construction to after-sale service, we are trusted greatly since we have skilled engineers such as registered architect, first class pluming technician, and technical manager of environmental sanitation for buildings. The company, which acquired the results more than 40 years by those business, pours power into the products and houses that would save our lives in case of natural disaster.
2 disasters coused us to think about the way and role of our company.
First opportunity is Han-Shin Awaji Earthquake, and the second one is Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake.
As a company, we felt that we had a duty to contribute to safe community improvement including the disaster prevention and the protection of the global environment. mIn Japan, there is a trend "to think about measures after a disaster happened". From now on, we will not restore it after being broken, but we must think about the way to minimize damage. Moreover, president Ataka says "We must protect our own town and have resources at the time of disaster". President would begin to develop a technique and a product by using our field of expertise, and president decided to start up a new division for it.
Reliable for the suspension of water supply at the time of disaster! The divice that can utilize rain water in drinking water and fire extingushing water is developed.
Water service is the most crucial part of lifeline at a time of a disaster. We need the water not only for life water and drinking water but also for extinguishing water when a fire occurs. We, Kiwa-Kogyo developed a divice which can accumulate rain water and conjugate to drinking water at a time of a disaster. This divice "fresh water generator using rain water strage" is called Bosaio. Since it filters rainwater straight from rain gutter without using electricity, there is no running cost and never effected by power cut. The usability that only turns a faucet, and easiness of maintenance are popular. It is available as life water including restroom and the bath water, and you can save water service charges. Since completion, it was often covered by media, and it was adopted as "Model Order Sysatem of Kochi". Setting place are wide such as a general family, each local refuge, a school, an apartment, and a company. In Tokushima prefecture, aiming at the setting to the 27 prefectural schools. As a year of 2012 construction, we receive the request of the setting estimate for 9 schools.
Name of the product: "Bosaio (fresh wate generator using rain water strage)"
-400ℓ Rain water tank (600*H1600), filtered water tank (160*H1450) 495000
-700ℓ Rain water tank (600*H2500), filtered water tank (500*H2000) 800000
Cost of installation: 200000
Cost of shipment: actual expense
Public funding: Many local government supports public funding for installation. It depends on your local government.
Bosaio: main achievements
November 2010 Adopted as 11th Model Order of Kochi Prefecture
November 2010 Won a prize in 2010 Tokyo Technology and Invention Exhibition
March 2011 Received Technical Achievement Award in 2010 Shikoku Industrial Technology Award
February 2012 Published an article Kochi newspaper
March 2012 Installed in a public highschool in Tokushima prefecture
May 2012 Installed in Shioe junior highschool in Kochi city
September 2013 A voluntary disaster prevention organization became subject to a subsidy up to 200,000 in Tosa city, Kochi.
The house fight against a disaster and save our lives. A high quality house to live in three generations.
In addition to safe and comfortable house, we suggest the making of house to be able to live as possible by oneself when a lifeline is cut apart by an earthquake, a fire, and a flood. A concrete house resisting an earthquake and a tsunami with a solar power genarator and a rainwater tank. Slope entrance and bulkhead are anti-inundation measures, and a self processing purified water tank and drainage pipe with the reverse valve for water and sewage cutting. These structures assumed every disaster and cutoff of the lifeline. We have been repeating an experiment, improvement now at home of president Ataka. In addition, President thinks even if you should change the way of the house which you couldn't but rebuild in 30-40 years into "a high quality house that three generations live and can inherit" from now on until now. From the era of "make it and break it" to the era of "long with a good thing". We aim at such a construction.
Product name: "The house fight against a disaster"
The house utilizes a enough natural energy, and takes disaster prevention measures inside and outside of the house. By low cost, comfortable and safe, we provide a house to live for a long time, and to be able to inherit.
get rid of a manual, Ideas and techniques are the arms. We pursue an ecological living, the true richness, and security.
President Ataka who worked recklessly including the office worker era in the major contractor and continued working. He thinks again about a way of working and a way of living that were apt to attach great importance to efficiency and economic development. He tries to make a company in which each employee can show ability like oneself, and feels sense of coomplishment and a joy. He wants to get rid of the manual, and brush up a product and a service that we made use of an original technique. Moreover, he tries to think an environment and a way of living on a global scale, and wants to contribute to the making of a society where you can get the richness differ from the one in the past. The development of a product helping disaster prevention and ecology and the service to the foreign countries, and the advance to the field of agriculture are the big dream, and it begins to already move in future. In Japanese society which increases of the ineasiness, the existence of such a medium and small-sized business gives light and vitality to us.